Safety doesn’t happen
by accident

It’s Part of the Deal
Every workplace is different. We don’t expect you to know the lay of the land the first time you set foot in the door. So, we make sure you are trained to remain safe for as long as you are on the job. That means we will cover everything from good manufacturing practices and general workplace rules to your role in the safety of your co-workers.It’s Not Just a Fashion Statement
It’s our commitment to you to remain on the job and to remain safe. We’ve said it before. The right clothes help you perform your best and keep you out of harm’s way. Your Staffing Alternatives’ Representative will give you any details about dress codes for your assignment before you report to work.CLOTHING
It’s Not Just Words
It’s a two-way street. We want you to express any and all concerns you have. And we’ll make sure you know what’s expected of you. Works for you, right? When we place you on the job, you’ll have access to approachable managers and supervisors.
It’s About You
Feeling comfortable at work is our expectation. When you are on the job, nobody has the right to make you feel uncomfortable. So if that happens, we want to know right away.COMFORTABLE AT WORK
It’s Everybody’s Job
When you’re on the job, use caution while performing physical tasks. Lifting, loading and unloading the right way will keep you in shape and avoid any possible injury. Observe the posted safety precautions for your own benefit—and everyone else’s.
It’s Everything
Without your health, you can’t perform any job. So, as much as we will provide you a safe and healthy environment, you need to take care of your health, as well. Observe proper hygiene habits and wellness guidelines to keep you and your co-workers healthy at all times.
Your work–your life. Let’s make it the best it can be, together.
Yes. SA’s “BE-SAFE” client orientation is reviewed with you prior to starting a new assignment so you’re ready from day one to work safely.
Yes. Staffing Alternatives employs OSHA certified trainers that conduct training and testing for forklift certifications.
Your SA On-Site manager or SA Representative will explain what PPE’s may be required while you are on assignment.
Jewelry is prohibited on most assignments poses a safety risk and can become caught in machines and conveyors. Jewelry can also interfere with your ability to operate machinery and perform your job duties efficiently.
- Always look in the path of your travel (walking, turning, stepping, reaching, etc).
- Obey safety signs.
- Use good body mechanics when lifting, pushing, and pulling materials.
- Be alert of your surroundings, including co-workers.
- Maintain a positive attitude at all times.
- Offer help to co-workers when they appear to struggle with a task.
- Always warn a co-worker if he or she does not recognize hazards.
- Report unsafe behaviors to a supervisor.
Immediately speak to a warehouse supervisor or SA On-Site manager who will determine the severity of the injury and provide first aid and/or what the next steps are. You will help the supervisor understand what happened by describing the details of the incident. If medical care is necessary, appropriate arrangements will be made.